Last night and in order to contribute to your comfort as Mistress, I acquired one of your very recent fascinating productions in the video section, a clip entitled: "Fuck your ass with My high heels", you are sublime dressed finely and entirely in black and at this moment allow me with a sincere humility, Mistress…
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,,Best Scenario,, contest!- competition with prize!
Here's an opportunity to get your custom video! Do you have your own fantasy and scenarios and do you think it is "very special with unique ideas in it"? I encourage you to write the script and send it to or to I promise I will read all and the one…
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Filming slave wanted!
I am looking for filming slave ! So, if you ever dream to serve Me in real, here is your chance! Grab it ! I thought is good to mention that if you come from abroad, for filming with Me, there is no tribute. You only have to pay 100 usd, covering your accommodation, transfer…
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